A Message from the COO,
Mark Saunders
To all of you who were at the Dallas conference - a big thank you for making it such a tremendous experience. Great hotel, excellent speakers and enjoyable food and entertainment. Respect to those who climbed on the Rodeo Bull and thank you for taking us to Fort Worth for the Cowboy experience. A big thanks to Lisa and Bill Sims and all the team at SST for all their hard work and to Kathy Rose for putting it all together and making it happen. Many of our regular conference goers said to me that this was just like the old days! Meaning pre-Covid! Indeed, it did feel that everyone�s expectations had been exceeded and that was very good to see.
Now we are looking forward to Zurich in just a couple of weeks� time and it will be great to be meeting many of you there. Susanne is busy finalising all the arrangements. Again, we have an interesting agenda and I am looking forward to dinner on the mountain above the city!
Our conferences really are the best way to meet integra members and build lasting relationships. Please do come and join us.
Remember the big one this year is Singapore, October 26th -28th. I know that many members have already made their travel arrangements. Lois and our host, Wayne Soo, are busy putting the agenda together and arranging the social programme. Book your flights now! See you soon!
- Mark Saunders